
Friday, 26 June 2015



300 grams mashed tofu
100 grams grated coconut
3 stems citronella, chopped into small pieces

Fried chopped cabbage (like fried onion)
¼  teasp pepper
1 teasp salt
Cooking oil

How to cook:
1.       Mix the ingredients and spices.
2.       Make balls, then fry them until done.
3.       Serve hot Perkedel Tahu Bumbu with ketchup.

Thursday, 25 June 2015



125 grams wheat flour
125 grams rice flour
½ tbsp salt
½ teaspoon monosodium glutamat (msg)
½ kg tapioca flour
3 pieces of seaweed, chop into pieces
900 ml water

200 grams palm sugar
Vinegar (sufficiently)
500 ml water
Salt (sufficiently)

How to cook:
1.       Mix wheat flour, rice flour, salt, msg, and water, boil until it seems like porridge, add the seaweed, stir it.
2.       Add tapioca flour and continue stiring until thick so you can mold it.
3.       Take the dough and make roundish sticks as long as index finger.
4.       Boil water and a little of cooking oil, then put them until done. After that, you should fry the sticks on the hot pan with cooking oil.
5.        Make the seasoning by boiling the water, add salt, sugar, and vinegar.
6.       Empek-empek is ready to served (you can also add vermicelli and cucumber).

Wednesday, 24 June 2015




Some kinds of vegetables such as potatoes, string bean, cabbage, sprouts bean, carrot, cucumber.
Corn chips or other kind of fried chips you like
2 stems of citronella
200 ml water
400 ml coconut milk

250 grams fried peanut
Chopped cabbage as many as you want
150 grams palm sugar
3 tbsp sweet soy sauce
Salt and sugar sufficiently

How to cook:
1.       Slice the vegetables. Boil them until done, except the cucumber.
2.       Make seasoning by using blender. Fry it on a hot pan with 2 tbsp of cooking oil until well cooked. Add citronella then pour the water. At last, pour the coconut milk, stir some times until it boiled.
3.       Arrange the vegetables on the plate, pour the seasoning on the vegetables then add chips  as many as you want.
4.       Gado-gado is ready to served.

Sunday, 21 June 2015



10  pcs fried tofu
1 pc carrot
2 – 3 leaves of cabbage
1 handfull of bean sprouts
1 stem of celery
Pepper and salt at sufficiently
200 grams wheat flour

How to cook:
1.       First, you should make the dough which will be inserted inside the tofu.
Slice the carrot as slightly as matchs, slice cabbage and celery. Saute the cabbage, bean sprouts, celery, carrot, and celery. Give salt amd pepper, stir it well. Take the dough in a bowl when it is done.

2.       Second, you should make the flour dough.
Mix the wheat flour, salt, pepper well. Pour water until the dough seems like condensed milk and sticky for smearing the tofu.

3.       The last, pour the frying oil on two third of frying pan. Slice tofu to make the space for the first  dough. Insert a tablespoon of dough into the tofu. Smear the tofu into the flour dough. Fry it into very hot frying oil until seems crispy and brown. Tahu Isi can be served with tomato sauce.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Mie 2

tepung terigu BOGASARI , KERETA KENCANA atau CAKRA KEMBAR 500 gram
garam 5 gram
air 150 ml
sodium karbonat 3 gram
CMC 1 sendok teh
tepung maizena 1 sendok makan

Cara Membuat:
1) Blender air dan CMC hingga rata.
2)  Tuang  larutan  CMC  ke dalam  campuran  tepung  terigu, garam dan sodium karbonat, aduk hingga rata.
3)  Aduk  (uleni)  sambil  ditambahkan  bayam,  sawi,  atau wortel  yg  di mixer lembut  untuk  mempercantik  adonan,  aduk hingga adonan tercampur rata.
4)  Giling  mi  dengan  ukuran  1 hingga halus, pindah ke ukuran 2 hingga halus dan seterusnya hingga ukuran 5.
5)  Masukkan  ke  dalam  pemotong, pilih yang ukurannya lebar. Taburi  dengan  tepung  maizena
agar  mi  tidak  melekat  satu  sama lain.
6) Rebus mi hingga lunak, angkat  lalu  perciki  dengan  minyak goreng, aduk lalu dinginkan.
7) Mi siap diolah.
Standar untuk 500 Gram

Disadur dari buku “Resep Vegetarian Sehari-hari”